CFMV 11.13.19

Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - 02:15


750m Row (sprint :10 every 100m)

20 cat cows

20 scorpions

20 birddogs

20 supermans

20 Banded Squats



Clean Deadlifts 

3 Sets 

4 Clean Deadlifts  

Stop and reset on each rep. 


Barbell Complex 

E 2 Mins for 8 Mins 

1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Power Clean 

Look to build up over the 4 sets 


For time 

5 Rounds 

8 Hang Power Cleans (155/105) (135/95)

16 Wall Balls (20/14) 

40 Double Unders 


Intent: Intensity Level: Moderate to high. Moderate load. Constant work. 


Strategy: The first two rounds will feel great. You will feel tempted to push the gas pedal quickly. Mistake. That 5th round will be a soul sucker. Pace until the 4th round and then unleash the fury the final two rounds.