CFMV 11.18.19

Monday, November 18, 2019 - 01:11


3:00 blood flow 

(:20 easy/:20medium/:20sprint)


20 Russian Baby Makers

50’ Duck Walk

20 Fire Hydrants

20 Cossack Squats (10e/s)

:30 T-Spine Stretch



3 Sets Superset

10 BB RDL’s   

10 DB S/A OH Lunges (5ea) 


Front Squats 


Build on each set to a heavy set of 6 for day. 



12 Min AMRAP 

Alternating rounds 

“You go, I go”

3 Devils Presses (50/35) (30/15) 

5 DB Front squats 

7 Toes to Bar/ Knees to chest 

(**can be done individually)

Intent: Intensity level. High. Lower body focus. Anaerobic capacity. Interval based work with a partner that should amount to a 1.1 work to rest. Meaning you’ll rest the same amount of time you’ll work, this will allow you to recover quicker and maintain quality work. 


Strategy: GO! The 3 movements all have low enough reps to allow you to push hard through the round. You’ll be able to catch your breath when you partner goes which will allow you to maintain that “push” for the 12 Mins. Choose a weight that will allow you to move but will still give you a decent amount of feedback on the squats.