CFMV 11.19.19

Monday, November 18, 2019 - 23:25



300m Row (Progressive every 100m)

10 Weighted Shoulder Circles

:10 Hang From Pull-up Bar

10 Band Pull Aparts (slow) 

5 Single Arm Ring Rows, each arm


Strength/ Skill 

Kipping Drills 

Coach Choice for drills 

Option 1: 

12 Min EMOM 

M1: 10 Deep Kipping swings + 10 Ring Rows 

M2: :30 L Sits 

M3: :30 V ups 


Option 2 

12 Min EMOM 

M1: 12 Kipping Pull ups (butterfly or normal kip) 

M2: :30 L Sits 

M3 :30 V ups 


Option 3 

12 Min EMOM 

M1: 4-7 Muscle ups  

M2: :30 L Sits 

M3: :30 V Ups w weight (10/25) 



18 Min AMRAP 

In teams of three 

Partner chase 

Row 200M 

20 RKBS (70/53)

15 Sit ups  

10 Rings dips (boxes/ HR Push ups) 


P1 Starts on the Erg

P2 starts on the KB 

P3 Starts on the sit ups 


Partners will chase the person in front of them through the 18 mins. They may not pass the person in front of them if they catch them. The score is total team rounds (4 movements completed equals 1 round)


Intent: Intensity Level : Moderate to high. Because you will be chasing a partner this will force them to move with purpose. The pace is moderate however it may speed up or slow down at times. You will constantly move for 18 mins with very little rest.