CFMV 11.21.19

Thursday, November 21, 2019 - 01:55

Mono warmup:

1000m Bike Erg (damper 10) or 800m run

500 Row (damper 8) or 400m Run

250m Ski (damper 6) or 200m Run


*start wherever, this is a hard effort.

Try to only breathe through nose.


Accessory/ Core and strongman 


Barbell Bicep curls 

Goblet squats

DB Lateral raises 

DB Skull crushers 

Start with the lightest weight and go heavier for each round. 

Go back to your starting weight for your last round of 15 


For time 

80 Mountain Climbers 1:1

40 Cals (Row/Assault Bike / Ski erg) 

80 Double Unders 

800m Run 

80 DU

40 Cals 

80 Mountain Climbers 


***if you have a weight vest wear it