CFMV 11.25.19

Monday, November 25, 2019 - 02:40


3:00 blood flow 

*on days there is blood flow, don’t come in and get on the bike, the blood flow is designed to get good stimulus and wake the body. Focus on mobilization if you arrive early. 

(:20 easy/:20medium/:20sprint)


20 Cossack Squats

20 Banded Clamshells

20 Fire Hydrants (slow)

10 Pushup + (1scap pushup + 1 push-up) 

:30 T-Spine Stretch


3 Sets Superset

8 Goblet squats w 2 sec pause 

10 Jump squats 

10 banded Hamstring leg curls 


Front Squats 


Build on each set to a heavy set of 5 for day. 



10 Min EMOM 

M1: 14/12 Cal Row 

M2: 10 Thrusters (95/65) (115/75) (135/95) 

*scale as needed, the workout is what you make of it. If you normally do 95/65. Get outta your comfort zone and strive to be better and not be contempt. 


Intent: Intensity level. High. Lower body focus. Anaerobic capacity. Interval based work. The light to moderate thruster combined with the row will attack both sides of the lower extremities. The lungs will really start to fill up with air by the 3rd to 4th minute.