CFMV 11.26.19

Monday, November 25, 2019 - 23:31



250m Row (Progressive every 50m)

10 Weighted Shoulder Circles

16 Scorpions e/s

10 Curtsey Squats e/s

:30 gymnastics plank

Strength/ Skill 

Kipping Drills 

Coach Choice for drills 


Option 1: 

E 2 Mins for 8 Mins 

10 Kipping swings 

2 Negative pull ups 

10 Plank ups 

:30 Plank hold 


Option 2 

E 2 Mins for 8 Mins 

Kipping Pull ups  

(Choose a number you can hit for continuous reps and stay with that number for all 4 sets) 

10 Plank ups 

:30 Plank hold 


Option 3 

E2 Mins for 8 Mins 

Muscle ups 

(Choose a number you can hit for continuous reps and stay with that number for all 4 sets) 

10 Plank ups 

:30 Plank hold 



For time 

Partition the reps however you choose. 

100 Alt DB snatches (50/35) 

80 Toes to Bar 


1 Mile Run or 2k row

Intent: Intensity Level : Moderate. Aerobic pace. Posterior chain focused.