CFMV 11.29.19

Friday, November 29, 2019 - 02:44


4:00 Blood Flow

(Sprint last :15 second)

**please don’t come in and jump on the bike because you think it’s going to prime you up. If you come to class early spend some time with foam roller in areas that are sore or tender. Use the 4:00 to really get your body going, instead of going through the motions


For Quality:

2 sets:

2 UB TGU e/s

*scale with 2x8 TSU e/s

16 Alt plate Birddogs (8 e/s)



3 Sets 

10 Alt DB Floor Presses

10 Alt DB/KB rows 

*pick something challenging, a lot of you pick the same weights day in and out. Push pass your comfort zone. You don’t get stronger by doing the same thing, you become complacent because you aren’t ever challenged.

Strict Presses 

Build up in to a challenging set of 5 over 4 sets 



For time 

3 Rounds 

15 STOH (115/75) (95/65) 

15 Box Jumps (24/20) 

500m Row/Ski  or sub 21/18 cal Assault Bike


Intent: Intensity Level: Moderate to high. Moderate load. Weightlifting, BW jumping and monostructural triplet.