CFMV 1.21 20

Tuesday, January 21, 2020 - 02:02


3 x
1:00 Easy Ski or Row 
5 S/A Russian Swings + 5 Snatch + 5 KB Windmill, each arm
10 Floor Facing Angels
5 Scap Pull-ups + 5 Kip Swings 


8 Min AMRAP 

Complete as many rounds as possible for quality

4-5 HSPU 

8-10 Kipping toes to bar 

:30 DU practice or 50 DU



For time 

“QB Blitz” (22 Min time Cap) 

150 DU 

30 Burpee Pull ups (20)

30 KBS (53/35) (20)

30 Burpees (20)

30 C2B Pull ups (20)

30 KBS (20)

150 DU

Intent: Bodyweight focused with a light loaded KB, longer duration constant work/ Chipper. 

Scale volume in parenthesis () 

Strategy: PACE! This one is going to tax the grip a bit. You;ll have to maintain a pace throughout so find one and keep moving. Break up the pull ups in small sets. That will allow you to maintain your pace.