CFMV 12.10.19

Tuesday, December 10, 2019 - 01:42


2 rounds:

500/1000m row/bike

10 push-up plus (Scap + push-up)

5/5/5 s/a KB swings/snatches/windmills

12 banded presses


8 Min AMRAP 

For quality 

Work through the movements in a practice like manner. 

1-3 Strict Dips (Rings, boxes, bench) 

3-6 Kipping Dips (Rings) 

6-9 Strict or weighted Pull ups 

:30 weighted Plank 


Rest 1 Min between rounds 

Choose your reps within the range and stick with that number across the three sets. This is to build consistency.  



For time 

“The Devils Hogey” 

16 Min AMRAP 

8 Devils Presses (50/35)(40/25) 

10 Weighted Box Step ups (50/35)(40/25) (24/20 inch box) 

12 Toes to Bar  


Intent: Intensity Level : Moderate. This is a longer duration workout. This will require you to find a pace to maintain Triplet.. The DP will require you to explode off the ground and drive the dumbbells over head, while the step ups will require more a slower grind pace, finished off with a dynamic core focused gymnastics movement.