CFMV 12.11.19

Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 01:59


2 rounds

20 straight leg donkey bounces

150 single unders

20 shoulder taps

10 prone cyclone arms

12 PVC pass Throughs 

Strength/ Skill

3 Sets 

10 S/A KB Upright rows (ea) 

6 BTN Sn. Grip Presses


E 2Mins for 8 Mins 

4 Hang Power Cleans  

Build up to a heavy set of 4 throughout the 4 sets 

*work on trying to cycle reps and USE A HOOK GRIP!!!



For time 

12 Min EMOM 

M1: 10 Power Snatches (95/65) (75/55)

M2: 10/7 Cals 

M3: 24 Air squats


Intent: Intensity level: Moderate to HIGH Anaerobic capacity. Short rest intervals.