CFMV 12.14.19

Saturday, December 14, 2019 - 01:23

Saturday 12/14

"Wild Balls" 

For time 

Divide up the work 

One person works at a time 


In teams of two 

For time (30 Min Time Cap) 

30 Burpee Bar MU 

50 KB Goblet Squats (70/53)

70 Wall Balls 

400M Team Run 

30 Burpee Pull ups 

50 RKBS (70/53)

70 Wall Balls 

400M Team Run 

30 Burpees 

50 KB Goblet Squats

70 Wall Balls 

400M Team Run 


Scale Options 

Burpee MU - Burpee Pull ups or Burpee to target 

Burpee Pull up - Burpee to target