CFMV 12.17.19

Tuesday, December 17, 2019 - 01:58



300m Row (Progressive every 100m)

5 Turkish Situps or 2 Turkish GetUps

10 plate halos ea. Direction

10 Band Pull Aparts (slow) 

5 Single Arm Ring Rows, ea


Body Weight Strength

10 Min AMRAP 

*For quality 

Work through the movements in a practice like manner. 

8-10 Strict Dips (Rings, boxes, bench)
6-9 Strict or weighted Pull up

:30 weighted Plank 

Choose your reps within the range and stick with that number across the three sets. This is to build consistency. 


For time 


1K Row 

50 Cals Bike or Ski Erg 

50 Sit ups 

100 Double Unders 

Intent: Intensity Level : Moderate to high. This is a longer duration workout with medium volume. This is all cardiovascular work. The lungs will get all they need today. Heavy breathing.

Strategy: Each movement has just enough volume that you can push the pace. You should be hitting this pretty hard. Although the intensity will be lower than the previous day, you can still go at a good pace.