CFMV 1.23.20

Friday, January 24, 2020 - 01:31


2 rounds

:90 bike/ski/row (progressive every :30)
5/5 single-arm Side Plank Shoulder Circles

10 Scap Pull-ups 

5 KB Windmills, each side 

10 Reverse Goblet Lunge

Strength/ Skill

3 Sets 

10 DB Renegade rows (push up optional) 

10 S/A KB Bentover rows ( no holding onto anything) 

Push Press


Build up to a heavy set of 2. 

**Complete 50 BB curls immediately after 5th set


3 Rounds:

1 Min Each 

:10 transition 

1 Min Rest after each round 


12/10 cal (Ski/Bike)

S/A DB Sq. Clean and Jerks (50/35) 

Toes to Bar 

Plyo Push ups 

**Score is the total number of reps 

Intent: Intensity level: High. Anaerobic capacity. Intervals. Loads of upper body focus. The DB clean will provide a slight pull to add balance to the press and the push ups. 

Strategy: Go hard in the paint today. Full out for 60 seconds. Only 3 rounds. Before you know it, it will be over. 


Power Hour:

3:00 blood flow

20 banded side steps

20 banded Squats

20 banded presses

20 pushups w/ rotation


Back Squat

4 x 8 @75% ( 2 pause (3 sec) +6 regular)

*Heavier than last week 

*superset with

1 leg box jumps | s: Box jumps

3x3 per side

Push Press

beg: DB Push Press 5x8


Build up to a heavy set of 2. 

**Complete 50 BB curls immediately after 5th set


2x 40 med ball leg Ext (30/20)

      12 Turkish Sit-ups e/s