CFMV 1.9.20

Thursday, January 9, 2020 - 00:49


2:00 easy blood flow or mobilization 


2 rds:

50’ lunge and rotations

10 cat cows

15 Banded Squats

Monostructural conditioning:

5 rounds:

10 cal ski

10 burpees

5 rounds:

10 cal row

10 KBS (70/53)(53/35)

5 rounds:

10 cal bike

10 Goblet Squats

Intent: complete as written. move at a pace you can sustain. You must complete 5 rounds entirely before moving down the ladder. Pace accordingly and just breathe. Consider this a nice flush. 


Core + Pump:

3 sets

5 Tempo DB Floor Press @ 5131

10 Plyo Push-ups 

20 Banded Tricep Ext 

Rest 1:00 Between Sets