"Cora has been part of our Kids program for almost 8 months now, and has been such a wonderful addition to our community! She has such a positive disposition, constant smiles and exudes positivity and joy in every class. She is always ready to work hard and wants to do well in all she does. She is so helpful when we have new members join us or in helping her friends that might need assistance in movements she’s proficient in. Cora is a real team player like her siblings, who also take class! She is a pleasure to coach and I can’t wait to see her continue to develop as an athlete! Congratulations! Way to go Cora!" -Coach Amena
What do you enjoy most about being a member of CFMV?
I get to make new friends who like to workout like me.
What do you enjoy most about CF?
How nice the coaches are and that I get to learn new skills every week.
When did you start CF?
I started CrossFit in January.
What was your first CF workout?How did you feel after?
I had to use the pull-up bar. I felt really strong.
What is your favorite movement?
My favorite movement in the pull-up bar.
What is your favorite game?
My favorite game is Dodgeball.
How has CF changed you?
It has helped to make me stronger and I have more confidence in trying new things.
What were your goals when you started?
To try and find something new that I would like to do.
What are your goals for this year?
My goal for this year is to be able to do a Power Clean.