"Kristen is a force to be reckoned with! She has been a member since 2019 . She is a consistent early rising athlete. A mother of two and makes sure she is here a smile on and ready to go attitude. She came in a runner and yogi and is now a badass strong mom who lifts too. She has made incredible progress over the years and we look forward to seeing her continue to crush her workouts."
-Coach Matt
What do you enjoy most about being a member of CrossFit Middle Village? I really enjoy the variety of workouts. No two days are the same. And the coaches are the best! They are so knowledgeable and motivate me to do better.
How/when did you get involved in CrossFit? I started CFMV about three years ago. Before that, I was exclusively doing yoga and running. After having my second child (and approaching 40) I wanted to do more strength training.
What was your first CrossFit workout? How did you feel afterwards? Yikes I don’t remember. But I probably felt awkward because I didn’t know any of the movements! I was always in last place for every WOD.
What do you enjoy most about CrossFIt? The community and coaches! I enjoy working out with other members. Everyone is welcoming and nice. Coaches are awesome and helpful!
What is your favorite WOD or Lift? I like the gymnastics-style moves best Handstand push-ups for sure and I have been working on pull-ups. I like WODs that combine cardio and lifts.
What is your least favorite WOD or Lift? Overhead snatch. Any snatch.
What motivates you? How has CrossFit changed you? CF has changed my body for sure. Daily activities are easier. I’ve gotten a lot stronger. I enjoy working out more than I used to!
What were your goals when you started this journey? Honestly I didn’t have many goals when I started. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. Now I like to look at the board to see what others at my level do and try to match them :-)
What are your goals for the upcoming year? Improve my technique on most lifts. Incorporate more movement during the workday. Be able to do more than three pull ups in a row. Eat more protein ?
Do you have any advice for new members? Even though you feel awkward and out of shape in the beginning, stick with it and things become easier after just a few months!