Monday, June 5, 2023 - 21:42


What do you enjoy most about being a member of CrossFit Middle Village? 

I am very lucky that I have a 4 minute commute! But I really love the coaches at CFMV, they’re all excellent in their own way. They create a really special environment for us to have a great hour no matter what kind of day we’re having.

How/when did you get involved in CrossFit? 

I got involved in 2016 at a small box in New Rochelle and loved it for two years.  Unfortunately, I injured myself in the open (18.2) and left CrossFit for a few years. I moved from The Bronx to Queens and always drove past CFMV. December 2022, I finally decided to give CrossFit another go.

What was your first CrossFit workout? How did you feel afterwards?

I think I blacked out my first CrossFit workout lol I only remember there being wall balls and being miserable. But it didn’t stop me from coming back.

What do you enjoy most about CrossFIt? What is your favorite WOD or Lift? 

I love that it truly is for anyone. Any age, any ability. It humbles you to be aware and control your ego to avoid injury. It’s a constant self growth sport. It’s extremely mental, and it pushes you to do things you didn’t think your body was capable of. My favorite moment is when someone is trying to push out a last rep and you see them struggling, but then the gym erupts in cheer and encouragement, and they’re able to do it. For strength, I love deadlifts or anything that’s moving heavy weight. For cardio, you will always catch me on the Ski machine!

What is your least favorite WOD or Lift?

I can’t stand lunges.

What motivates you? How has CrossFit changed you? 

I’m able to do so much more in my day because of how much my fitness has improved. People often say they don’t have time to workout, but in reality, by giving up one hour of my day, 5x a week, I’ve been able to gain so many more hours back in my daily life. Plus, you never regret a workout.

What were your goals when you started this journey ?

My goal was to get back into movement. I had a pretty difficult year prior to joining and knew I needed a change. My goal was to just show up.

What are your goals for the upcoming year? 

My goal is to continue to get stronger and get even more comfortable in my body.

Do you have any advice for new members? 

Don’t rely on motivation! We won’t always have it. We need to rely on consistency so that when you don’t have that motivation, you still show up.